
《中國日報 | 今日business》:Flu season sees spike in drug production Scarcity highly unlikely as factories ramp up output, buying still in order

文章來源:CHINA DAILY(中國日報) 發(fā)布日期:2024-01-23 作者:記者 劉志華 分享:

The surge in demand for respiratory disease medications in China has prompted significant output increases among major drugmakers, and industry experts foresee an increasing need for such remedies in the coming days.(大意:中國對呼吸道疾病藥物的需求激增,促使主要制藥企業(yè)的產量大幅增加,行業(yè)專家預計,未來幾天對此類藥物的需求將增加。)

However, there is no danger of drug shortages nationwide, thanks to the country's pharmaceutical production capability and unlikelihood of panic buying among consumers, they said.(大意:不過,他們表示,由于國家的藥品生產能力和消費者不太可能出現(xiàn)恐慌性購買,全國范圍內沒有藥品短缺的危險。)

Since the start of the winter, China has seen a rise in acute infectious respiratory diseases, with the prevalence of multiple pathogens amid the ebbs and flows of infection spikes.(大意:入冬以來,中國急性傳染性呼吸道疾病的發(fā)病率有所上升,在感染高峰的起伏中,多種病原體流行。)

While influenza cases are currently at high levels, Liu Tonghua, former deputy president of the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said that it is possible that people will see repeated infections of one or multiple pathogens simultaneously.(大意:雖然流感病例目前處于高水平,但北京中醫(yī)藥大學原副校長劉銅華表示,人們可能會同時看到一種或多種病原體的反復感染。)

"Winter and spring are usually peak seasons for respiratory diseases, and the natural immunity of recovered people can only work against the pathogens they overcome for limited durations. They may also contract illnesses from different pathogen variants," Liu said.

"In addition, people's ability to fight off infectious respiratory diseases may decline following repeated infections."(大意:劉銅華表示,冬季和春季通常是呼吸道疾病的高峰期,康復者的自然免疫力只能在有限的時間內對抗他們戰(zhàn)勝的病原體。他們也可能感染不同病原體變種的疾病。此外,反復感染后,人們抵抗傳染性呼吸道疾病的能力可能會下降。)

Lei Zhenglong, chief of the epidemic control and prevention division of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, said at a recent news conference that COVID-19 infections in China might rebound to a certain degree around the time of the Spring Festival holiday, due to a flurry of travel and large family gatherings.(大意:國家疾病預防控制局傳染病防控司司長雷正龍在近日的新聞發(fā)布會上表示,預計春節(jié)假期前后,人群大規(guī)模流動,探親訪友、聚餐聚會活動增加等多種因素影響,新冠疫情可能出現(xiàn)一定程度的回升。)

According to online healthcare platform JD Health, sales of flu medication surged 340 percent and 13 percent, respectively, in the first 12 days of January compared with numbers for the same periods in November and December.(大意:根據(jù)在線醫(yī)療平臺京東健康的數(shù)據(jù),與11月和12月同期相比,1月前12天流感藥物的銷售額分別激增340%和13%。)

The first week of the year also saw sales of cold drugs, analgesic medicines and cough suppressants all surge by double-digit percentages from the last week of 2023, according to 111, Inc — a digital healthcare platform.(大意:根據(jù)數(shù)字醫(yī)療保健平臺111,Inc的數(shù)據(jù),今年第一周,感冒藥、止痛藥和止咳藥的銷售額都比2023年最后一周增長了兩位數(shù)。)

Sichuan Good Doctor Panxi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd also said its output of Kanggan Granule, a signature TCM cold treatment, increased roughly 37 percent year-on-year in the past three months, to around 2.04 million packs a day.(大意:四川好醫(yī)生攀西藥業(yè)同樣表示,公司治療感冒的品牌中成藥抗感顆粒的產量在過去三個月同比增長約37%,達到每天204萬包左右。)

Wen Jianguo, factory head of the company, said: "We see many large trucks waiting in line to load products every day at our warehouse. We have established special working groups on raw material procurement, logistical support and services supply, and organized workers into three shifts per day to produce drugs day and night to meet market demand at the fastest pace possible."(大意:四川好醫(yī)生攀西藥業(yè)廠長文建國說:我們每天都會看到很多大卡車在倉庫排隊裝載產品。企業(yè)成立了原材料采購、后勤保障和服務供應的專門工作組,并組織工人每天三班倒,夜以繼日地生產藥品,以最快的速度滿足市場需求?!保?/p>

In addition, the company anticipates its daily production capacity will expand more than fivefold, as its smart factory will start operations soon. The latter is being built with an investment of 637 million yuan ($88.52 million) and covers an area of around 115,333 square meters, Wen said.(大意:此外,該公司的智能工廠將很快開始運營,預計日產能將增長五倍以上。文建國表示,好醫(yī)生智能工廠正在建設中,該工廠投資6.37億元人民幣(8852萬美元),占地面積約115333平方米。)

Experts said that enterprises can increase production and enhance distribution very quickly due to China's pharmaceutical industrial and supply chains' breadth and agility, and there is little chance for drug shortages.(大意:專家表示:由于中國醫(yī)藥產業(yè)和供應鏈的廣度和靈活性,企業(yè)可以很快增加產量和加強分銷,藥品短缺的可能性很小。)

"The production of relevant drugs has increased quickly with supply of raw materials being stable, and people are not likely to hoard drugs out of panic this time," said Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.

"In addition, medical resources from other parts of the country will arrive very quickly if there are shortages of some drugs in some regions, making widespread shortages of pharmaceuticals unlikely," Zhou added.(大意:中國商務部國際貿易經濟合作研究院高級研究員周密表示:“隨著原材料供應的穩(wěn)定,相關藥物的產量迅速增加,人們這次不太可能出于恐慌囤積藥物。此外,如果一些地區(qū)出現(xiàn)藥品短缺,來自全國其他地區(qū)的醫(yī)療資源將很快到達,這將使藥品不太可能普遍短缺?!保?/p>




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